Real estate vets, use our interactive pipeline map to track new development across NYC

Keeping track of new development real estate projects in New York City is often as time consuming as it is complicated. Any construction work occurring in an existing or proposed building must be permitted by the Department of Buildings. Unfortunately, surfing the Department of Buildings website looking for the projects that meet your firm’s qualifications is not an easy task. Furthermore, knowing the address of a project under construction is far less valuable than seeing the full scope of development in a particular neighborhood, or across an entire borough.

Since 2009 TRData, The Real Deal’s comprehensive data services platform, has been tracking the development of every project over 5,000 square feet from the moment it is filed with the Department of Buildings or submitted to the New York state Attorney General’s office. Our new development pipeline now contains more than 16,000 projects and completed properties with over 60 columns of information, from permit dates to developer contact information.

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We’ve now plotted the more than 16,000 addresses onto an interactive map of New York City, allowing anyone to easily see where development is concentrated, how far along it is, and where it might go next. 

You can filter this map for projects that have only filed with the Department of Buildings, projects that are under construction, buildings that have completed construction, demolition jobs that have been filed, condominium plans that have been submitted to the Attorney General’s office, condo buildings with units on the market, and condo buildings that have completed construction. Zooming in on the map allows you to see how many of each type of project are in the area you’re viewing. Clicking on any of these projects or completed properties shows the address, the construction status, the developer, and provides a link to the project’s page on the Department of Buildings or Attorney General’s site.

The map can be viewed here. Please note that this link will expire in the next week, so take a look as soon as you can!

Contact Derek Smith at or (646) 503-3561 for more information and pricing.

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