This buyer just snagged two pads at 220 Central Park South

Unit 33A sold for $30M

220 Central Park South (Credit: Vornado and iStock)
220 Central Park South (Credit: Vornado and iStock)

You won’t find discounts at Vornado Realty Trust’s 220 Central Park South. A buyer just bought two pads at full asking price, forking over $32 million.

The anonymous buyer is listed as “Crystalle LLC,” according to records filed with New York City’s Department of Finance.

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Unit 33A sold for $30.19 million, or roughly $8,100 a square foot. According to the offering plan, the apartment spans 3,703 square feet and was priced at $29.65 million. The second apartment, Unit 18K, sold for $1.78 million. The 472-square-foot unit was priced at $1.75 million.

The deals follow a string of recent closings — also at full list price — at 220 Central Park South. Last month, another anonymous buyer snagged a unit for $28.4 million — and Richard Leibovitch, a founding partner at Arel Capital, closed on a $26.2 million apartment.
Closings started at the Vornado project in October. Steve Roth’s real estate firm is looking at $1 billion in profits from sales at the building. In its last update, the developer said the project was 83 percent sold.

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