Hudson Yards megadevelopment inspires a new line of sex toys

Wolfgang & Hite has come out with a Vessel-shaped butt plug and a 10 Hudson Yards-shaped dildo

(Image by Wolfgang & Hite via Dezeen)
(Image by Wolfgang & Hite via Dezeen)

Hudson Yards has been the butt of some jokes, but now it will be the joke of some butts.

Design studio Wolfgang & Hite has developed pink silicone versions of many buildings in the Related Companies’ megadevelopment, according to Dezeen. Those include a butt plug shaped like Thomas Heatherwick’s the Vessel and a dildo shaped like Kohn Pendersen Fox’s 10 Hudson Yards.

“The city and developers have been jerking each other off for decades, so naturally we wanted to join in the fun,” Wolfgang & Hite said to Dezeen. “Masturbation is a great metaphor for the latest wave of development in New York City.”

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The toys are just prototypes for now and not available for sale yet, although sets have been mailed to New York’s Department of City Planning and Related Companies chairman Stephen Ross. Wolfgang & Hite described the toys as a healthy way for city officials to work through their guilt following some of the strong criticism that Hudson Yards has faced.

A tagline used throughout promotional materials for toys reads, “A luxury real estate dildo experience.”

This actually isn’t the first time Hudson Yards has been the subject of such an erotic comparison. In a 2008 article for the Wall Street Journal, famed architecture critic Ada Louise Huxtable wrote that a pair of proposed skyscrapers in the development “look, in profile, alarmingly like sex toys.” So, in a sense, Wolfgang & Hite are just taking this observation to the next level. A very graphic, very real next level. [Dezeen] – Eddie Small

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