
Indulge your extravagant home fantasies with TRD’s Select Spaces

Coming in September, a weekly rundown of New York’s most lavish listings

Indulge your extravagant home fantasies with TRD’s Select Spaces

Scrolling through Zillow on your lunch break? We’ll do you one better.

Starting in September, TRD will launch Select Spaces, a weekly curation of New York’s most opulent luxury home listings.

So far, we’ve looked at some of the most Gatsby-esque mansions on the Gold Coast and pool-party-ready homes in the Hamptons. If you’re a CEO or simply fantasizing about being one, you’ll get a kick out of these curated listings tailored to all kinds of personalities.

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That’s just a taste of some of the show-stopping abodes you’ll see on Select Spaces. Stay tuned for posts on haunted houses, historic Harlem brownstones, green homes outfitted with climate-saving technology and so much more.

Let TRD be your one-stop shop for both in-depth industry news and midday fantasies. A balanced media diet always has room for indulgence.

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