TRD’s March issue is live for subscribers!

Issue Is Live March 2022

Welcome to March and another new issue of The Real Deal.

This month, we look at the story dominating headlines in our industry and others: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and its impact on real estate. We also shine a light on a once-scrappy NYC lender growing up and going national, crunch the numbers to determine Manhattan’s top real estate brokerages, look at the latest influx of cash that’s lighting up luxury markets and more in features like these:

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  • Vornado’s moment of truth: Its stock price down and CEO aging, the developer needs to win its big Penn Station bet.
  • Invisible cities: In the brave new world of virtual real estate, here’s what metaverse developers are building.
  • Can developers deliver? South Florida’s condo market is booming, financing is plentiful and developers are eager to get more units in the pipeline. But supply chain issues are looming.
  • Running of the bulls: Wall Street bonuses are back and bigger than ever, transforming the luxury market in New York.
  • Residential royalty: In a banner year for the Manhattan housing market, these brokerages sold more real estate than any others.
  • Madison grows up: As alternative lender Madison Realty Capital writes bigger checks and goes national, it’s working to shed its sharp-elbowed reputation.
  • The Closing with Amar Lalvani: The head of Standard International on his life, career and scaling the iconic hospitality brand.

Subscribe today and read the new issue here.

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