Southampton opens lottery for 65 new affordable housing units

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A lottery for 65 recently-built affordable rental apartments in the Town of Southampton has begun accepting applications, 27east reported. The lottery, which closes on July 5, is for 37 apartments at Speonk Commons and another 28 at Sandy Hollow Cove in Tuckahoe. Acro Management Company will run the lottery and screen the winning applicants. The available units include 52 studios or one-bedroom apartments and 13 tw0-bedroom apartments. Most of the units are designated for households earning up to 60 percent of the area’s median income: $52,080 for a one-person household, $59,520 for two people and $74,480 for a family of four. Seven units are available for applicants earning 80 percent of the area’s median income. A dozen apartments have been set aside for applicants with disabilities, two of them for people who work in Southampton. One unit is slated for a veteran. The names of winning applicants will be drawn at random next month during a public event at Southampton Town Hall. The two developments in the lottery were built by the Southampton Town Housing Authority and Georgica Green Ventures, a Jericho-based company that builds affordable housing. In 2017, the Suffolk County legislature authorized spending $2.15 million to put toward buying the land for both sites. [27east]

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