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Meet The Company Auditing Rental Leases for Free with AI

TurboTenant’s Lease Agreement Audit AI Tool Reveals Compliance Issues Instantly

All the talk around AI has seemed to suck the air out of the room. But what if AI could help suck the hidden legal risks out of lease agreements?

TurboTenant, the leading provider of property management software for DIY landlords, recently released its free Lease Agreement Audit AI Tool to help landlords identify weak lease language and missing legal requirements so they can quickly rectify issues before they snowball into legal problems. 

“Innovation is at the heart of what we do, and we believe that using technology to help the self-managing landlord protect their investment is critical to the future of our industry. We wanted to build something that could be easy to use but provide immense value to any landlord, not just our customers,” said Harrison Stevens, Vice President of Marketing at TurboTenant and landlord. “AI has become a powerful lever across the tech landscape, and we are excited to use it to help landlords big and small.”

In keeping with that mission, TurboTenant’s Lease Agreement Audit AI Tool helps every landlord protect their investments with rock-solid lease agreements. Part of the challenge landlords face stems from the fact that they’re time-strapped and unable to stay up to date with rapidly changing legislation. It’s especially difficult for landlords who manage rentals in multiple states.

As a result, many landlords re-use leases that don’t cover new legal requirements.

A prevailing thought among landlords is that if the lease ain’t broken, why fix it? But sometimes landlords don’t even know their lease is broken until it’s too late. TurboTenant’s Lease Agreement Audit AI Tool begins mending broken leases to stave off lawsuits and fines by delivering a report in 15 seconds or less for every state. All landlords need to do is select their state and upload their lease, and then the legally trained AI analyzes the document.

After the scan, the tool generates an easy-to-read report. On the report, landlords can quickly identify problem areas displayed in red while noting instances where their lease passes the test, which the report notes with a check mark. The language that the AI tool scans for and then brings to light includes:

  • Essential lease information
  • Rent, late fees, and security deposit laws
  • General lease provisions
  • State-specific mandatory disclosures
  • Contractual terms, and
  • Fair Housing laws

Based on what the tool exposes, landlords can then begin focusing on the areas of their lease that need work. And if a landlord’s pre-existing lease misses any marks, landlords can quickly use TurboTenant’s lease generator to build a new one from scratch in 15 minutes or less.

With the knowledge to address issues quickly, landlords enjoy reduced legal risk, increased efficiency, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing their lease protects them and their investment.

Ultimately, the Lease Agreement Audit AI Tool represents another facet of TurboTenant’s mission to empower independent landlords to get more work done remotely without paying property management companies 10% to collect rent.

TurboTenant’s core functionality includes online rent payments, tenant screening, property advertising, digital rental applications, and maintenance management. The platform is essentially a rental business in a box that automates manual tasks that get in the way of growth, free time, and the things that matter most.

Audit your lease for free with the Lease Agreement Audit AI Tool. To learn more or sign up for a free TurboTenant account, visit TurboTenant.com. A free account enables landlords to professionalize their processes, including rent collection, property marketing, and tenant screening, with no credit card required.