New YorkMar 7, 2013Luxury sellers who rushed to avoid fiscal cliff may have been too hasty, experts say
New YorkFeb 21, 2013The taxman comethAfter a rush to close deals in 2012, the fiscal cliff deal could now chill sales
New YorkFeb 20, 2013‘Cliff’ deal’s housing bonus: Compromise bill revives two key housing tax benefits
New YorkJan 2, 2013U.S. construction spending declined in NovemberBut numbers represent a 7.7 percent year-over-year gain
New YorkDec 18, 2012On the edge of the fiscal cliff, co-op owners scramble to complete trust transfers
New YorkDec 14, 2012What’s ahead in 2013A rundown of some of the biggest NYC real estate issues — and most impactful projects and trends — on tap for the New Year
New YorkDec 7, 2012Underwater homeowners say “fiscal cliff” could cost them six figures in federal taxesExpiration of mortgage debt provision could cause massive ripple effect
New YorkNov 30, 2012Housing and tax reform—it’s complicatedResearch suggests capping deductions could lower U.S. home prices