New YorkSep 17, 2024Appraiser BBG appoints new CEO after Freddie Mac freezeFirm says CEO move is part of broader leadership changes
NationalAug 5, 2024Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac set to tighten CRE loan rules – again New requirements will likely force more appraisals, income proofs
NationalAug 2, 2024Mortgage interest rates drop to lowest level since FebruaryFreddie Mac: Fed rate decrease and cooling inflation “bode well” for market
NationalJul 17, 2024How the Puretz mortgage scam devastated Philadelphia senior tenantsAffordable housing complexes were uninhabitable, utilities unpaid, new report
NationalJun 27, 2024Boruch Drillman loses Troy Technology Park to lender after fraudMichigan property was re-appraised at one-third of its last appraised value
New YorkJun 18, 2024Berkadia moves away from using third-party brokersMove comes amid Freddie and Fannie’s crackdown on mortgage fraud
New YorkJun 13, 2024Meridian makes cuts to New Jersey office Brokerage cuts come amid leadership changes and Fannie and Freddie blacklist
DallasJun 11, 2024Price Realty scores $9M loan to buy Fort Worth apartments1970s apartments located near Fort Worth’s popular Cultural District
New YorkMay 24, 2024Freddie Mac places appraiser BBG under reviewAgency is rejecting appraisals or valuations involving Jon DiPietra, amid agency’s widening investigation into mortgage fraud
NationalApr 16, 2024Freddie Mac inks new guidelines in anti-fraud pushFirm adds increased multifamily inspections amid probe into brokers, owners
Tri-StateFeb 16, 2024Nursing home mogul Avery Eisenreich eyes purchase of title insurer RiversideAfter insurer was mentioned in DOJ investigation, rumors rocked its business
New YorkNov 8, 2023Former Freddie Mac CEO distances himself from Meridian CapitalDavid Brickman stepped down as executive chairman from Ralph Herzka’s firm
New YorkNov 7, 2023Meridian Capital under investigation by Freddie MacRalph Herzka’s brokerage suspended from working on Freddie deals
New YorkOct 17, 2023Moinian refis Marc rental tower with $136M Freddie Mac loanDeveloper has tapped Freddie for large loans in past
ChicagoAug 9, 2023Freddie Mac brings unusual lawsuit against South Side apartment ownerFederal mortgage giant tests new strategy to make borrowers adhere to living standards
NationalAug 1, 2023Industry warns against tenant protections attached to federally backed loansBiden administration eyeing new rules for some multifamily properties
TexasJan 10, 2023Investor scores a first from Freddie Mac on affordable resiBWE facilitated $150M transitional line of credit secured by developments in Texas, Oklahoma
New YorkAug 3, 2022Equifax error might have harmed (or helped) mortgage applicantsFaulty credit scores sent to lenders over three weeks
New YorkJul 13, 2022Pennrose, Acacia land $117M Freddie Mac loan in BushwickFinancing for joint venture covers affordable housing development
New YorkJul 7, 2022Mortgage rates falling back toward 5%Freddie Mac recorded second week of decline as recession fears grow