New YorkNov 14, 2024These bills aim to help tenants, but would do the oppositeCouncil would require master plumbers for basic tasks
New YorkJun 28, 2024Tenant groups tell distressed landlords to use government programs. One is barely workingState’s hardship program receives just 11 applications in five years
New YorkApr 18, 2024Brooklyn nonprofit tenants file lawsuit demanding new managementFood First in process of selling rent-stabilized 201 Pulaski
New YorkFeb 26, 2024LeFrak, citing “nightmarish” delays, takes housing court to courtLandlord says “rigged” system deprives owners of property rights
New YorkApr 19, 2023These rentals are NYC’s largest without open violationsSilverstein, Blackstone and Glenwood among owners of scot-free properties
New YorkJan 25, 2023Menachem Stark’s brother does jail time for neglecting unitsAron Stark sent to Rikers for failing to make court-ordered repairs
ChicagoJan 19, 2023Kenwood landlord allegedly falls short of court-ordered repair requirementsApex Chicago is facing criticism for its handling of the Ellis Lakeview Apartments
New YorkJan 13, 2023He’s back: Steve Croman resumes management, to tenants’ dismayAfter suing Michael Besen, notorious landlord gets buildings back early
New YorkDec 5, 2022NYPD raids Koeppel’s Midtown building after brothel probeAuthorities shut down massage parlor at 346 East 52nd Street
New YorkAug 5, 2022AG nails landlord for breaking rent law, promises more to comeLawmakers demanded stronger protections for tenants amid landlord calls for rent law rollback at Friday conference
New YorkAug 5, 2022Sol power: Megalandlord’s property empire subject of exhibit at the TateArtist maps out $6B portfolio, building by building
New YorkMay 7, 2022Bronx tenants on verge of buying their apartments for $2,500 eachHard work, a 1980s-era program and the pandemic helped to secure homes for such a low price
New YorkApr 4, 2022Mayor takes landlord Moshe Piller to court, part of promised crackdownOwner’s rent-stabilized portfolio has 1,900 violations
New YorkFeb 17, 2022Landlords largely dodge charges for illegal eviction claimsOnly 39 arrests made for unlawful eviction in 2020, 2021
New YorkDec 20, 2021The “worst” landlords? Depends how you countLeFrak blamed for 2,627 eviction filings, but says it carried out only 2
New YorkDec 16, 2021The biggest landlord you don’t know: Meet the 36-year-old behind one of the priciest-ever apartment deals in NYCJosh Gotlib’s Black Spruce has amassed 4K unit multifamily portfolio
New YorkDec 1, 2021East Village landlord collected rent from deceased CEO’s account, lawsuit saysJennifer Blumin’s parents filed suit against Steven Gold, Keyland NY LLC
New YorkNov 23, 2021New York’s “worst landlord” pays the piper in $235K city settlementJason Korn agreed to pay civil penalties, fix violations at six properties
New YorkAug 26, 2021Landlords are their own worst enemy: reportWhen tenants leave, it’s usually for reasons under management’s control
New YorkJun 3, 2021After worker dies, Williamsburg condo project paused, GC finedPenalty was among $800K in fines issued by DOB in April