New YorkMay 5, 2014Workers cry foul in alleged Printing House union-bustingBuilding employees claim they make as little as $13 per hour and can't afford healthcare
New YorkOct 11, 2013Printing House 50 percent sold after seven monthsNew development releases 15 new units starting at $1.65M
New YorkJul 19, 2013Printing House condos launch signature scentNew luxury development aims to lure buyers with its very own fragrance
New YorkMar 12, 2013Finale’s liquor license denied, ex-Bond broker who jumped in tiger den pleads guilty again … and more
New YorkApr 26, 2011Printing House developers hit with $4M suitTaconic alleges that the developers offered the units for $77M, but moved on to another bidder, after several weeks of negotiations