New YorkMay 18, 2016Madison Realty Capital buying UWS rental for $86MRosario Candela-designed building at 915 West End Avenue has 94 apartments
New YorkMar 12, 2015Roone Arledge’s former Park Avenue pad in contractThe late ABC icon’s home was asking $38M
New YorkDec 21, 2013Full-floor 778 Park unit trades for $18MThe apartment listed in March for the first time since 1943
New YorkMar 12, 2013Full-floor apartment at 778 Park Avenue listed for first time since 1943; asking price is $22.5MCo-op belonged to late philanthropist Celeste Bartos
New YorkDec 20, 2010Astor estate accepts lowball offer in the “high teens” for 778 Park Avenue duplex