City plans for new Greenpoint pier

Greenpoint is getting a new public pier and ferry, and the city has
launched an effort to find an operator, the Brooklyn Paper reported.
The pier, at the end of Java Street, is intended to accommodate the
residential community expected to grow out of the waterfront area’s
2005 rezoning, according to the Economic Development Corporation.
Currently submerged, the pier lies on one of the only city-owned pieces
of land on the Greenpoint waterfront, though that’s partially in
dispute. One private landowner claims that part of the dock is his,
though the city contends that it owns the full site. The EDC will also
soon seek bids for an operator who will contribute to a “more
sustainable and comprehensive East River ferry service” with a new
ferry outpost located at the end of India Street, the EDC said. [Brooklyn Paper]

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