The Real Deal’s June issue is live!

Inside: Charlie Kushner talks 666 Fifth Avenue, EB-5

Charlie Kushner, founder of the Kushner Companies, would like you to know that two investigations into his company are kaput.

“I also want to point out, the U.S. attorney opened an investigation on us, right? You know what they told us, as of in the last month? That the investigation is not active anymore because there’s nothing there,” he said.

The Real Deal sat down with Kushner and company president Laurent Morali for an extensive interview last month. During the interview, Kushner said an inquiry launched by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York over rent-regulated units and another by city’s Department of Buildings were both completed. The candid interview also touched on prospective investors at 666 Fifth Avenue and various political hurdles the company is facing in Gowanus and Jersey City.

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Elsewhere in the issue, TRD ranked New York City’s top residential brokers by the dollar volume of sales closed in 2017, as well as those who listed the most. Those who came out on top faced several challenges, including a growing pool of digital competitors.

The issue also takes a closer look at the ballooning condo inventory in Manhattan, which is expected to hit 7,900 units in 2019. TRD’s analysis revealed that some neighborhoods will face a much larger share of that pipeline than others. Another story dives into the swell of foreclosure auctions last year and the current climate for residential lending in the city. A profile of Boaz Gilad explores how his firm, Brookland Capital, became Brooklyn’s most prolific developer.

And this month’s Closing is with Constantine (“Dean”) Dakolias, co-chief investment officer of the credit funds group at Fortress Investment Group.

To read the June issue of TRD, click here or on the “Magazine” tab on the top left of the homepage. Enjoy! — Kathryn Brenzel 

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