Some Los Angeles residents are renting out RVs and box trucks to the city’s less fortunate for as little as $10 a day — but the practice isn’t sitting well with certain city officials.
City Council member Mitchell Englander is calling for the prohibition and/or regulation of vehicles being used as residences, Curbed reported. He said it’s “creating a dangerous environment” for the residents of the vehicles because the city doesn’t regulate their living conditions.
“A traditional landlord must comply with all city building codes,” Englander stated in a motion submitted to the City Council. “Vehicles more often than not don’t have running water, a reliable source of power, and often lack a source for heating and/or cooling.”
The RVs can cost anywhere from $10 a day to $1,000 per month, while box truck rent for $500 a day, KPCC reported earlier this week. Last year, the City Council approved a temporary ordinance that banned people from sleeping in their cars overnight in residential areas.
[KPCC and Curbed] — Kathryn Brenzel