Renderings depict hotel planned on PCH near Nobu Ryokan Malibu

Terraced design would give all 39 rooms a generous balcony facing Pacific

Rendering of Sea View Hotel
Rendering of Sea View Hotel (City of Malibu)

Planning documents from the City of Malibu offer a first look at a 39-room hotel planned on the Pacific Coast Highway.

Norm Haynie’s Sea View Hotel would sit on a sloping property at 22729-22741 Pacific Coast Highway, according to Urbanize. It’s less than a half a mile east of Malibu Pier near Carbon Beach, sometimes called “Billionaire’s Beach” for its pricey beach houses and wealthy residents.

Of the handful of hotels along the PCH in Malibu, one of the priciest is directly across the street — the Nobu Ryokan Malibu.

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To build the hotel, Haynie needs the city to grant a number of discretionary approvals, including a zoning change and a general plan amendment. Renderings of the project were included in an initial study of the project published by the city.

Architect Luis Tena is designing the establishment. Renderings show a terraced design that gives each hotel room a sizable balcony area facing the highway and Pacific Ocean. The uppermost section of the hotel would have a rooftop deck with a swimming pool.

The initial study estimates that construction — if approved without significant delay — would take around 18 months starting in July and wrapping by early 2023, according to Urbanize.

[Urbanize] ­— Dennis Lynch 

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