Details emerge of LPC West and S&R’s huge mixed-use project

The Buena Vista Project would run the northern length of Los Angeles State Historic Park

The location of the project along Los Angeles State Historic Park (Los Angeles City Planning)
The location of the project along Los Angeles State Historic Park (Los Angeles City Planning)

Details have emerged for a 1.1-million-square-foot mixed-use development first proposed near Los Angeles State Historic Park, or the Cornfield, five years ago.

The Department of City Planning published a notice this week detailing the project, which is being called the Buena Vista Project, according to Urbanize.

The project is a joint venture between Lincoln Property Company’s LPC West and S&R Partners.

It’s slated for an eight-acre property between the northwest side of the park and Broadway. The structures would include entrances on Broadway.

The structures are planned at each end of the property, which is connected by a narrow strip of green space with a walkway.

The southern section, or South Parcel, would be developed first. It is planned with 631 residential units, 15,800 square feet of restaurant space and 10,000 square feet of retail space, as well as 56,400 square feet of open space.

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The southern development is planned as one long structure with various elevations, including 26-story and 22-story towers.

The northern section would include 355 residential units and 8,000 square feet of restaurant space, and 5,000 square feet of retail space.

Like the southern section, the northern development has varying elevations. The tallest section would be a 15-story building. A three-story retail section would rise from the elevation at Broadway.

The project is the largest within the Cornfield Arroyo Seco Specific Plan area. The city adopted that plan in 2013 to encourage development.

The park itself was created in 2001, but it took 16 years to open to the public.

[Urbanize] — Dennis Lynch 

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