
Durst hires director of major projects

The Durst Organization has hired Jonathan Drescher as director of major projects, a newly created position at the company. Drescher will oversee the hiring and progress of contractors to plan, design and build Durst’s large-scale projects, which could include its Hudson Yards plans with partner Vornado Realty, pending the results of its bid with the MTA.

The results of the Hudson Yards bid could be revealed as early as this month. Two other projects Drescher will head at Durst include a $200 million mixed-use building at 623 West 57th Street, which will include a private school, retail and parking, and a “large condominium project on the Upper East Side” about which he said he could not yet reveal details.

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Most recently, Drescher worked as an associate principal at Arup, a design and building consulting firm, for nine years. There, he was a project manager for the World Trade Center site and the Fulton Street Transit Center. Prior to that, Drescher worked with a private development company as a project director for Airport Group International, a global airport developer.

“I wanted to get back to working with a developer after being at Arup,” he said, noting that both jobs are managerial. “[Durst] is a terrific organization, with a terrific record and terrific prospects.”

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