
Temp space gets full-time concierge


Wurk Environments has partnered with Abigail Michaels to bring concierge services to the short-term tenants at their 65,000-square-foot space at 1515 Broadway in Times Square.

Gorguin Shaikoli, vice president of marketing and development at Wurk, said they wanted to bring in a concierge so the temporary office space feels more like a permanent home, and “so the tenants won’t feel like they’re working in a temp environment.”

While Abigail Michaels entered the commercial market in the past few months, Wurk is the first short-term office the concierge service has worked with.

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Abbie Newman, co-principal of Abigail Michaels, said for many companies, especially smaller firms and start-ups, the concierge service at Wurk serves as a personal assistant.

“[The concierge] is an additional arm for the tenants,” Newman said. “And international tenants setting up offices without any infrastructure have Abigail Michaels on site to provide help they wouldn’t have had otherwise.”

Wurk had its soft opening in January, and is planning a grand opening soon. Shaikoli said the Times Square space is about 47 percent occupied. The majority of the tenants are entertainment firms and start-ups in the financial sector, including analysts and traders who were recently laid off, Shaikoli said. Wurk is opening another office near Grand Central, and hopes to open offices in Chelsea by 2010.

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