
Surfing the next wave

<i>Will the Web help New York recover faster?</i>

This month, The Real Deal takes a look at how the Internet has fundamentally altered the business of real estate and what the future holds for the relationship between the two. It’s now difficult to imagine a real estate landscape bereft of some of the relationship’s positive attributes — a Webless world, say, where potential customers aren’t able to pore over floor plans at the click of a button.

Hoping the disease is also the cure by E.B. Solomont

Putting more muscle into Internet marketing by Marc Ferris

Top residential brokerage Web sites in Manhattan

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Blogging to get ahead by Michael P. Ventura

Going from clicks to bricks, despite the odds by Elizabeth Thomas

Moving on to the next wave of Internet marketing by John Celock

Enthusiasm un-Curbed by Michael P. Ventura

Foreclosure listings a boost to traffic by E.B. Solomont

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