
Affordable housing developers could save on permit fees, banks expect foreclosure avalanche … and more

1. Affordable housing developers could save money on permit fees in Margate [Sun-Sentinel]

2. Non-profit helps Pembroke Pines Iraq veteran avoid foreclosure [Sun-Sentinel]

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3. Florida home remains on the market after $6.5 million price cut [WSJ]
4. Bank officials expect state to see foreclosure avalanche as holiday moratorium ends []
5. Lender repossesses 140 units in West Palm Beach [SFBJ]
6. Downtown at the Gardens mall still struggles [Palm Beach Post]
7. Bulk buyer purchases 60 units at Marina Blue [SFBJ]
8. Condo mediators discuss industry [Miami Herald]
9. Economist who denied housing bubble now admits to being wrong [Business Week]

10. Do sellers really have inflated expectations when listing their homes? [Seeking Alpha]
11. Miami ranked eighth for industrial market strength [PR Newswire]
12. Commercial loans will jam capital markets [iStock Analyst]
13. State’s population growth slows amid recession [Sarasota Herald-Tribune]
14. Home prices stable in Lake City, Live Oak [Lake City Reporter]

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