Home sales in Palm Beach showed improvement during the first half of the year, compared to the same period in 2009, according to the Evans Report, compiled by market analyst and Palm Beach property owner Leslie Evans. The town saw 60 single-family home sales during the first six months of 2010, compared to 38 homes sold during the first half of 2009. Median home sales also climbed to $2.9 million from $2.5 million a year earlier, although the report noted that a handful of extraordinarily large sales — including a $20.5 million closing — may have skewed the data. Condo sales also improved — Palm Beach saw 152 units sell during the first quarter of the year, compared to the first quarter of 2009, which saw just 114 units sell. “The market is not robust but… to see prices and sales go up is encouraging,” Evans said. [Palm Beach Post]
PB home sales show improvement
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