Single-family home sales in the town of Palm Beach jumped by 40 percent
from 2009 to 2010, with a total of 121 purchases compared to just 87 the
year before, according to the quarterly Evans Report compiled by
attorney Leslie Robert Evans. “We were the last ones to go into the
crash and the first ones to come out,” Evans said. “People are buying
predicated on the belief that prices are not going to go down further.”
Condo sales in the town grew by 35 percent in 2010, with 267 sales. The
majority of sales in the single-family market were for $2.49 million or
more, with 54 total. There were a total of 25 purchases of homes between
$5 million and $9.9 million. [Palm
Beach Post]
Palm Beach housing saw strong 2010
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