
Ceiling collapses in Claremont Hotel lobby

A water pipe burst inside the ceiling of Miami Beach’s Claremont Hotel this past Sunday night, causing the ceiling to collapse all over the lobby. Guests had to be evacuated from the hotel, at 1700 Collins Avenue, when the sprinklers went off, alerting the fire department, which shut off power to the building. The lobby is said to have been the only room effected.

Hotel guests were relocated to nearby hotel, La Flora.

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As CBS reported on the story outside the hotel Monday morning, a semi-demolished lobby was visible in the backdrop, according to Hotel Chatter. An online report said that, at first, the burst pipe only caused a little water leakage and a saggy ceiling– until the weight became too much and the whole thing crashed to the ground.

Given that several Miami hotels have enjoyed renovations lately, maybe it’s time the Claremont had a revamp. [Hotel Chatter]

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