Cayre saves historic Miami Beach home, plans retail complex

After surviving 95 years of South Florida weather and real estate cycles, including a bribe-laden demolition attempt by developer Michael Stern, the coral rock house at 900 Collins Avenue in Miami Beach is being preserved and restored.

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The Miami Herald reported that developer Bobby Cayre, who took over the property after foreclosing on Stern in September, has filed plans to build a retail complex adjacent to the home and provide new flooring and roofing for the property. Cayre will also preserve the three exterior walls that remain from Stern’s demolition attempts in 2007.

The home was built in 1916 by Miami Beach pioneer Avery Smith, and changed hands at least once before Stern purchased it in 2004. He spent more than $100,00 to bribe three building officials to expedite the demolition and make way for a mixed-use building. Thanks to Cayre, Miami Beach will get its mixed-use complex and keep its historic property. [Miami Herald]

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