Miami ranks as third most roof rat-infested city in the US

Debris from Hurricane Irma could make matter worse

(Photo credit: Pixabay,
(Photo credit: Pixabay,

Oh, rats.

Miamians have a big rat problem, according to a new report from Terminix. The city is the third most roof rat-infested city in the country, the termite and pest control company said.

Savannah, Georgia ranked first, followed by Memphis, Tennessee. Other Florida cities in the top 15 included Fort Myers at No. 5, Tampa at No. 7 and Jacksonville at No. 14.

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Terminix looked at services provided by the company from January to October of this year, according to NBC Miami.

The vermin get their name for their preference to nest in elevated spaces. They’re also excellent climbers. Terminix said roof rat-infestations are common in southern and coastal regions. Rats tend to be more active in the fall when rodents hunt for food before temperatures get too cold.

Debris from Hurricane Irma could make matters worse. Rodents like to nest in piles of rubbish, according to Orkin.

Rats have also interfered in closings in South Florida. Last month, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle’s son filed suit against the previous owners of a condo in Coral Gables, the agent and brokerage for allegedly not disclosing an alleged rat infestation in the building. [NBC Miami]Amanda Rabines

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