Downtown Miami nightclub claims city and residents are conspiring to shut down entertainment district

Tension between clubs and residents could grow as new condo buildings get delivered

Heart Miami (Credit: Facebook)
Heart Miami (Credit: Facebook)

The ntz, ntz, ntz has gotten quieter in Miami’s Park West entertainment district since the city has cracked down on enforcing its noise ordinance.

But one club, Heart Nightclub, is suing the city and its residents, claiming they are conspiring to kill the entertainment district, according to the Miami Herald. And tension between the nightclubs and residents could grow as new condo buildings like One Thousand Museum and Paramount Miami Worldcenter open over the next few years.

The Park West entertainment district was created to revive the desolate area north of downtown Miami’s core and west of Biscayne Boulevard. At one point, 11 nightclubs were operating 24-7; now, it’s down to five, including Heart, Club Space and E11even.

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Since the city issued citations to the big three clubs over Memorial Day Weekend, E11even and Club Space made changes to reduce noise.

Residents want Heart to enclose its rooftop terrace, which would cost the club $1 million. Its CFO Michael Slyder said it has been unfairly “vilified and demonized.”

But Heart is “almost spiteful and vindictive in the way it blasts us out,” a resident of 900 Biscayne told the Herald. [Miami Herald] – Katherine Kallergis

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