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Co-working Operators Try To Lure Students Into Office Space
Aug 18, 2020

Co-working Operators Try To Lure Students Into Office Space

Office is out, but school is in session. Quest Workspaces, a co-working operator with 12 locations in Florida and New York, is turning some of its enclosed office space into small pods where groups of…
After $1B default, Veritas’ CEO and founder Yat-Pang Au plans a comeback
Apr 1, 2024

After $1B default, Veritas’ CEO and founder Yat-Pang Au plans a comeback

On a Thursday afternoon in January, on the sidewalk across the street from San Francisco’s City Hall, Veritas Investments lost about one-third of its multifamily holdings in the city. In an unpreced…
How America’s Malls Can Save Themselves
Oct 9, 2020

How America’s Malls Can Save Themselves

The death of the mall is an idea as ingrained today as the waft of baked pretzels and department store perfume less than a generation ago. Even David Simon — who took the country’s leading mall owner …
Millennial City: How the "selfie" generation is revolutionizing NYC real estate - The Real Deal
Mar 22, 2018

Millennial City: How the "selfie" generation is revolutionizing NYC real estate - The Real Deal

From the archives: Mention the term “millennial” and you may as well run for cover. The generation of young adults who came of age during the financial crisis — and in the glare of social media — is b…
Syrian Jewish Community | NYC Retail Market
Jan 8, 2014

Syrian Jewish Community | NYC Retail Market

If you trace the origins of the most aggressive retail deals in the last dozen years in Manhattan’s high-profile shopping districts, most lead back to Brooklyn. On Upper Fifth Avenue in 2002, American…
Inside Dallas Developer Mike Hoque's Improbable Rise
Jan 1, 2000

Inside Dallas Developer Mike Hoque's Improbable Rise

Most developers who dare to take on megaprojects do them one at a time. Mike Hoque is not most developers. Consider just the following projects the 49-year-old head of Hoque Global hopes to realize so…
Moinian's tap dance - The Real Deal
Jan 1, 2000

Moinian's tap dance - The Real Deal

When the news broke in March that the investment group Westbrook Partners and its operating partner, the Moinian Group, would return office building 475 Fifth Avenue to its lenders, it was viewed as y…
'Vornado Tornado' gets ready to land - The Real Deal
Jan 1, 2000

'Vornado Tornado' gets ready to land - The Real Deal

“Stupid, stupid, stupid cheap.” That’s how low prices have to fall before the commercial real estate market hits bottom, Steven Roth, the chairman of Vornado Realty Trust, predicted earlier this year.…
Related Companies Further Expands Reach Beyond Real Estate
Jan 1, 2000

Related Companies Further Expands Reach Beyond Real Estate

It was the spring of 2014 when the Related Companies’ president, Bruce Beal, realized he had a façade problem. Construction was finally booming again after grinding to a halt during the financial cris…
Syrian Jewish Community | NYC Retail Market
Jan 1, 2000

Syrian Jewish Community | NYC Retail Market

If you trace the origins of the most aggressive retail deals in the last dozen years in Manhattan’s high-profile shopping districts, most lead back to Brooklyn. On Upper Fifth Avenue in 2002, American…
Millennials Real Estate | Coworking | TAMI Tenants
Jan 1, 2000

Millennials Real Estate | Coworking | TAMI Tenants

Mention the term “millennial” and you may as well run for cover. The generation of young adults who came of age during the financial crisis — and in the glare of social media — is both lauded for embr…