
Corrections and clarifications

Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly referred to the Platinum as a rental. It is a condo building.

Correction: An article published on the website July 8, 2010, incorrectly stated that the Midtown office market declined by 74 percent. In fact it was the spread between the top 20 percent of Midtown properties and the others that declined by 74 percent.

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Correction: Due to an error in the data provided by the Real Estate Board of New York, an article published on the website July 19, 2010
stated that the dollar value of all New York City home sales was $0.8
billion in the second quarter of 2009. In fact, the dollar value of
home sales deals in the second quarter of 2009 was $4.4 billion.

Correction: A web story published July 20, 2010
incorrectly stated that Peter Turino of Brown Harris Stevens was
co-brokering a property in East Hampton with Susan Breitenbach of the
Corcoran Group. In fact, Breitenbach is the former listing agent;
Turino has taken over the exclusive.

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