Celeb trainer takes on Chelsea condo

 As more new condos try to pump up sales by bringing famous trainers on board, the luxury Onyx Chelsea condominium on Eighth Avenue and 28th Street offers a program run by celebrity coach Radu Teodorescu and a gym he helped design.

Radu, known by his first name, will offer a free evaluation to each of the 52 buyers, who can then sign up for one-on-one training with one of Radu’s trainers. Radu designed the gym in collaboration with Gym Source, the equipment provider that the Onyx’s developer, Bronfman Haymes Real Estate, worked with at The Seagram Building On Park Avenue.

The gym is free and exclusive to residents of the Onyx Chelsea’s one- to three-bedroom homes.

Evan Haymes, a Bronfman Haymes partner, said his mother and sister had been Radu’s clients.

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“To be honest, I only found out that my mother was a client of (Radu’s) in bragging to her that he was at the Onyx,” he said.

Other developments have used famous trainers. At the Laurel, on East 67th Street, coach Orion Mims helped designed the athletic space and training program for residents.

The Onyx, which is just days away from being ready for residents to move in, has sold 50 of its 52 units, which offer 21 different layouts. The homes were priced from $700,000 to $2.75 million, about $1,200 or $1,300 per square foot. Sizes in the 80,000-square-foot building range from about 675 to 1,800 square feet. One of the unsold units is a three-bedroom penthouse with a terrace, one of 12 units with private outdoor space.

Haymes said a trainer with Radu’s cachet was a natural pick after choosing architect Dan Kaplan at FXFowle to design the 11-story tower with a glass façde.

“If we could have found a NASCAR consultant to help design our five parking spaces we would have done that too,” Haymes said.

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