
This Week in Comments

Developer hopes food is the way to a broker’s heart
1. Thank God someone is feeding the homeless.
2. Free lunch will not sell a thing.

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Brokers’ resolutions to rise above the downturn
1. If brokers really want to “reach out” and create some business they should start with telling all of their clients that their listings are way over-priced for this very different market. However, brokers will never do this; instead, they will try and convince buyers that the market is great and now is the time to buy before things go back to new all-time highs. Same old story…pure greed.
2. Are brokers really so dim that they believe this nonsense?

Massey Knakal seeks equity partners
C’mon, 2009 for the most part will be a continuation of 2008. What investor in his right mind is going to put cash into a real estate company — a real estate company who’s bread and butter is going down the drain

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