
NYC real estate bigwigs make top art collectors list

alternate textTop row, from left: Ron Pizzuto, Harry Macklowe, Emily Landau and Jerry Speyer; Second row, from left: Beth Rudin DeWoody, Edward Minskoff, Denise and Andrew Saul and Aby Rosen

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The influential art magazine ARTnews included several New York City real estate notables such as Aby Rosen and Edward Minskoff in their 2009 list of top 200 art collectors worldwide published this month. Rosen, a partner in RFR Holding, which owns renowned buildings Lever House and Seagram Building, collects modern and contemporary art. Minskoff, president of acquisition and development firm Edward J. Minskoff Equities, collects postwar, pop, and contemporary American and European art. The list included Harry Macklowe and his wife Linda, collectors of contemporary art; developer Lew Rudin’s daughter Beth Rudin DeWoody, who collects modern and contemporary art; and Jerry Speyer and his wife Katherine Farley, who focus on contemporary art. The list was not ranked, but was ordered alphabetically.

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