
Battle over Carroll Street Norton buildings continues, demand for high-end apartments still high … and more

1. Battle over Carroll Street Norton buildings continues [Brownstoner]
2. Peter Hauspurg of Eastern Consolidated says rental market is still strong [NYT]
3. Peter Rockefeller and wife close on Upper East Side duplex [NYT]
4. Demand for high-end apartments still high in Manhattan [NYT]
5. Ben Bernake says Fed is here to help with economic crisis [NYT]
6. Foreclosure filing numbers for New York State [National Mortgage News]
7. America’s “Next Top Model” contestant allegedly trashes apartment she rented out through Craiglist [Gawker]
8. How appraisers are threatening a housing market recovery [CNBC]
9. TV producer Douglas Cramer lists Connecticut estate for $9.3 million [WSJ]
10. Barclays says option ARM defaults will hurt the housing market [Bloomberg]
11. Health and beauty chain Ricky’s NYC opens 22nd Manhattan store at 142 Eighth Avenue[Crain’s]
12. Manhattan real estate market breeds buyer remorse [WSJ]
13. Related Companies allows tenants to complete rental process online [NYT]
14. Homes in Villanova Heights in Riverdale available for rent or lease-to-own [Crain’s]

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