An Arizona-based company called Major Event Rentalz, which allows homeowners to rent out their homes during sporting events that attract thousands of out-of-town spectators, has now targeted homes in Flushing, Queens, the site of the upcoming U.S. Open. The company is offering residents of Flushing $2,000 a day to sublet a three-bedroom and upwards of $10,500 a day to sublet an eight-bedroom home to spectators who will flood the neighborhood for the tennis tournament, which starts August 31. So far, 10 residents have offered their homes through the online service, which collects a 10 percent commission, while others are cutting out the middleman altogether and utilizing Craigslist to advertise two-week sublets to tournament goers. However, not all Flushing residents are thrilled about an influx of transients entering the neighborhood. Sandi Viviani, president of the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners Association, called the advertisements degrading to the community and said she tears them down when she spots them.
Company rents out Queens homes for U.S. Open
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