
LIC receives $75M for cleanup … and more

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1. Long Island City receives $75 million for cleanup [NYT]
2. Explaining the process of landmarking buildings [Gotham Gazette]
3. Actor Josh Hartnett’s downtown loft at 247 Lafayette Street is on the market for $8,000 a month [NYO]
4. Department of Buildings publishing stalled construction site list online [Curbed]
5. Hamptons home of late actress Mary Howard de Liagre has gone into contract after only a week on the market [Newsday]
6. Economist predicts two housing bottoms for residential market [Calculated Risk]
7. NAR says appraisers are putting homes at 10 to 20 percent below construction costs
[Seeking Alpha]
8. Mixed-use buildings are selling for half of last year’s prices [MLG via Curbed]
9. Brooklyn Rescue Mission could lose half of Bed-Stuy farm to development plans [NYDN]
10. Vornado Realty Trust may become second commercial firm to receive TALF funds [GlobeSt]

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