
Openings and closings: Bar Breton ice cream cart opens, Smorgaschef closes

alternate textBar Breton, left, is opening an ice cream cart, while Smorgaschef has closed

A new Aroma Espresso Bar  will open in Midtown on 42nd Street between Second and Third avenues. Bar Breton will open a new weekday ice cream cart tomorrow. The gourmet stand will operate outside its restaurant at 254 Fifth Avenue Near 28th Street from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. A new Apple store is rumored to be opening at 67th Street and Broadway in time for Thanksgiving. Danny Abrams plans to reopen his restaurant space at 79 Macdougal Street between West Houston and Bleecker streets as the Mermaid Oyster Bar. The Rock Center Greenmarket opened on Rockefeller Plaza between 50th and 51st streets. The market will be open Wednesday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. until September 4. Sephora had a grand opening at its new location on 43rd Street and Broadway.

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In Williamsburg, a new kid boutique, Smoochie Baby, opened at 110 Berry Street, between North Seventh and Eighth streets.

City Burgers on 1410 Broadway at 39th Street has closed. Schnitzel Express will open in its place. Smorgaschef on 49th Street and Second Avenue has closed its doors. Centovini restaurant at 25 West Houston Street between Mercer and Greene streets has closed. Lower East Side boutique Clarabella, on 279 East Houston Street between Clinton and Suffolk streets, will close at the end of August. TRD

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