
Crosby Street Hotel and Bar opens, Brooklyn Bridge Park beginning to take shape … and more

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1. Crosby Street Hotel and Bar opens [Daily Candy]
2. Why pot-smoking neighbors receive fewer complaints than cigarette smokers [Brick Underground]
3. Carriage house in Brooklyn Heights will go up for auction next Tuesday [Brownstoner]
4. Six new Manhattan developments with incentives [NY Mag]
5. Brooklyn Bridge Park beginning to take shape [NY1]
6. Former illegal loft building revived as a work space [Bushwick BK]
7. Eastern section of Washington Square Park slated to close for renovations starting today [Washington Square Park]
8. Staten Island couple struggles with loan modifications [SI Live]
9. New Community Board 4 chairperson wants more involvement in Hudson Yards project [Chelsea Now]
10. City closes on Willets Point land as opposition mounts [NYO]
11. Plans introduced to rework West Thames Park following parents’ protests [Tribeca Trib]
12. Kelly Mack, Corcoran Sunshine president and NYU alum, awarded Distinguished Young Alumna Award from NYU [NYDN]
13. Federal support to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac tops $1.2 trillion [National Mortgage News]
14. Barofsky criticizes Paulson on previous claims that banks were sound [MSNBC]

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