For all you gamers who thought that Risk and Game of Life were a little too flashy, your day has come. Monopoly is being elevated to the silver screen, according to the Los Angeles Times. Frank Beddor, the producer behind the project, best known for his work in “There’s Something about Mary,” has lured famed producer-director Ridley Scott into the fold, and is raising eyebrows with his Alice in Wonderland-style of story telling. “I created a comedic, lovable loser who lives in Manhattan and works at a real estate company and he’s not very good at his job but he’s great at playing Monopoly,” Beddor said. The Manhattanite wannabe property slinger catches his big break then when he wakes up one day in the fictitious Monopoly City. “He’s all groggy and he goes down to buy some coffee and he reaches into his pocket and all he has is Monopoly money.”
Manhattan broker central character in proposed “Monopoly” movie
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