
Last Week in Comments

Top sales agents of the week 

[It’s a] good sign seeing so many high-end deals are taking place.

New site highlights NYC’s worst landlords
Landlords don’t bring in roaches or garbage — tenants do!

Alchemy slashes prices 15 percent for 15 buyers at Griffin Court to spur sales 

Fifteen percent discount from bubble days’ prices is above today’s market price, so [there’s] no real discount.

Site of stalled Prospect-Lefferts Garden condo on the market 

Anyone in the market knows you cannot sell such a project in this market. [You’re] better off with rentals. Timing is everything.

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WTC construction may be complete by 2014 

2014? I little to optimistic.

CBRE launches iPhone app, with Cushman waiting in the wings 

Who the hell are they kidding? They spent $1 million on something that will never be used. How about providing your existing clients a real valuable service by putting your resources towards leasing your clients’ vacant spaces?

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