Yotel rooms
Community Board 4’s liquor licensing committee gave its conditional support Tuesday to Yotel, a European hotelier known for its “pod” rooms, which hopes to open a social space on the fourth floor of its 669-room hotel at 570 10th Avenue and 42nd Street, next spring. While Yotel’s request to Serve Alcohol On Its Terrace until 3 a.m. falls beyond the time normally approved by the board, the committee gave its support to the application, DNAinfo reported. “We’re not talking about a peaceful, bucolic place that’s going to be intruded on,” Joan Castagnone, secretary of the tenants association at the Manhattan Plaza residential tower, said of West 42nd Street. Since the location is the noisiest spot in Manhattan, much of The Music And Sounds Coming From The Yotel Terrace will be masked, according to an acoustics expert who was at the meeting. To maintain the support of CB4’s liquor license committee, Yotel must keep the doors separating its indoor space from the terrace closed after midnight Sundays through Wednesdays, and 1 a.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, to limit the flow of noise. They must also submit a security plan and soundproofing details before CB4’s next meeting Nov. 3. [DNAinfo]