HUD rolls out new housing program

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A joint program from U.S. Housing and Urban Development and Health and Human Services will help nearly 1,000 non-elderly Americans with disabilities leave nursing homes or other facilities to live independently, the agencies announced today. HUD is providing $7.5 million in rental assistance vouchers to help these individuals rent private apartments. Those receiving rental assistance through the program will also receive health and social supports — from HHS’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid’s “Money Follows the Person” grant program — that will enable them to live independently. The funding is being provided through HUD’s Rental Assistance for Non-Elderly Persons with Disabilities Program. The money is part of the $40 million HUD made available in April 2010 to public housing authorities across the country to fund over 5,000 rental assistance vouchers. Last October, HUD awarded $33 million to support a first round of 4,300 vouchers, making it possible for non-elderly individuals with disabilities to access affordable housing and avoid institutionalization. Today’s announcement is for the second round of funding, to provide 948 vouchers for members of this demographic. TRD

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