
Queensboro Bridge officially becomes Koch’s

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Mayor Michael Bloomberg today signed legislation to rename the Queensboro Bridge the “Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge.” Bloomberg proposed the legislation to name the bridge after New York City’s 105th mayor, Edward Koch, in December — for “his work in literally saving this bridge and the rest of the city’s bridges,” the mayor said today — and it passed the city council March 23. “When Ed came to City Hall in 1978, New York was reeling from a financial crisis, the streets were dirty, crime was on the rise, and businesses and residents were fleeing for the suburbs,” Bloomberg said. “… with his outsized persona and fierce love for the city, Ed Koch launched one of the most remarkable comebacks in history — balancing the books, establishing a sense of order, and before long, people were coming back, new businesses were opening, and New Yorkers began to believe in their city again.” TRD

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