1. The sale of Jersey City’s Colgate Center achieved the highest price per square foot in state history [WSJ]
2. Famed restaurant Nobu finally comes to the Hamptons in the Capri Hotel
[NY Mag]
3. Community board bans Williamsburg’s East River State Park summer concert series
[Brooklyn 11211]
4. From 1990 to 2009 cheapskate Trump donated $3.7 million to his charitable foundation
5. Lake Montauk’s pollution is more evident than ever
6. A Sands Point, Long Island mansion makes this list of creepy abandoned mansions
7. LPC designates St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Williamsburg a landmark
8. UWS Reebok club furiously tries to explain its bed bug situation
9. Massive poll shows New Yorkers are relatively happy with public services
10. Artist spends 18 months creating a cross-section of Canal Street [Curbed]
11. Andrew Berman of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation wonders what happens with NYU in 2031 when it needs even more room [Downtown Express]
12. Community Board isn’t sure it wants donated $750,000 sculpture to stand in front of the Battery Park City library [Downtown Express]
13. Seven of the nine REITs applying for IPOs invest in mortgage-backed securities [WSJ]
14. Condo board controversy at Warehouse 11 in Williamsburg [Curbed]