It’s still unclear whether rumors about 100 Church Street‘s big deal with Sirius XM Radio are true, but in the meantime, the Anne Frank Center USA has definitely signed on to lease space in what was once known as New York City’s emptiest office building. According to the Wall Street Journal, the non-profit organization has taken 2,500 square feet of ground-floor space at the building, and will open in time for the 10-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks this year. The Anne Frank Center, which describes itself as “a community center that promotes tolerance and human rights,” is currently located on Crosby Street but is looking forward to bringing that message closer to Ground Zero, said co-chair Deborah Chapin. The space is also around the corner from the site of the controversial proposed Islamic community center known as Park51. S. Sunshine & Associates, which represented the Anne Frank Center in its search for new space, said more than 50 locations were considered before 100 Church Street was selected. SL Green, which wrested control of the notoriously vacant, 1.1 million-square-foot property from the Sapir Organization last year, has brought it to 70 percent occupancy, up from 35 percent when Sapir was in charge. [WSJ]
Anne Frank Center takes space at 100 Church
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