
Developer attempts to restart stalled, illegal Marine Park project

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Another stalled Brooklyn project is readying to come back to life, but in this case, neighbors are fighting to keep it frozen. The developers of the project, an incomplete six-story building on Marine Park’s Kimball Street, were ordered by in 2008 to downsize the building because it was too tall by city standards for the residential block, where other homes are three stories tall. They were also ordered to build 11 parking spaces. But the Kimball Group didn’t comply with either request, and has also racked up $10,800 in fines for a broken fence around its stalled site in the years since. Now, in spite of its history, the developers have received approval from a judge to apply for a waiver to complete the project, and are planning to appear before the Board of Standards and Appeals over the summer to get the 2008 ruling overturned and the parking requirement waived. “The building does not belong on that block,” said Dorothy Turando, district manager for Community Board 18. “They violated every rule possible.” [NYDN]

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