1. Anthony Weiner has found a buyer for his Queens co-op
2. BofA warns investors that repurchasing loans may cost more than expected
3. Home builders play hardball with uncertain buyers
4. Former Acres & Eights bar on Avenue A seeks out new tenant
5. Artist and broker Randy Settenbrino lists Orchard Street tenement [WSJ]
6. Brookfield Office Properties FFO falls 24 percent
7. AG moves to block $8.5B settlement by Bank of America and Bank of New York Mellon
8. Montgomery Monument at Trinity St. Paul’s Chapel gets a facelift
[Architect’s Newspaper]
9. Housing market slump hurts small business borrowing
10. Gramercy’s One48 now 20 percent sold
[Curbed, 1st item]
Weiner finds buyer for Queens co-op, home builders play hardball … and more
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