
WTC towers could rise again — virtually

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The World Trade Center towers could rise again, virtually, through an
iPhone app called 110 Stories, in development by New Yorker Brian August,
the New York Times reported. When pointing the app at a location such
as Ground Zero, the outline of the towers seems to appear there on the
iPhone (see video above), rising above the other buildings in the area, including the
new Freedom Tower under construction. Users can then create a
photograph of that image and add a message that can appear on an online
map. The basis of the app is a technique called augmented reality,
which places digital objects in the real world. Originally, August
hand wanted to build an analog version of his vision, constructing a
model of the towers to fill their space in the skyline. He hopes to
release the free app in time for the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, but said his aim is to create a tribute to the
life of the towers’ existence before the tragedy. August used $7,000
of his own money to first develop the app, and has raised more than
$25,000 on the website Kickstarter from artists and entrepeneurs to
develop it further. Google Creative Labs said this past  Friday it would offer
technical advice and publicity. [New York Times]

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