
Q & A with developer Tony Goldman

<i>The Soho Building developer talks about the Miami real estate market&nbsp; </i>

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From the South Florida website: New York-based Goldman Properties, founded in 1968 by Tony Goldman, its CEO, has made its mark in real estate by developing, revitalizing, and making urban neighborhoods habitable. Some of Goldman’s notable projects include converting abandoned buildings — such as the Soho Building at 110 Greene Street in Manhattan — into luxury lofts, buying up Miami’s Wynwood district and creating a community centered around art and restoring 25 properties in Philadelphia’s City Center. Goldman Properties has offices in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Miami Beach, employing over 250. With dozens of projects to his credit, Goldman Properties’ revenue is an estimated $75 million. Goldman talked to The Real Deal about where he believes the Miami real estate market is today and the best opportunities for development. — compiled by John Zur  [more]

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