Related backs out of meeting for East New York Walmart, police block OWS protesters from Mayor Bloomberg’s home … and more

From left: Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his townhouse at 17 East 79th Street

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1. Housing crash is driving demand for suburban living

2. Cops prevent OWS protesters from chanting outside Mayor Bloomberg’s UES townhouse

3. Mary Ann Tighe calls NYC a “romantic 20th century city”

4. Amount of available U.S. retail space will drop in 2012 for the first time since 2005
[Bloomberg News]

5. Aqueduct racino is a cash cow but hasn’t delivered on employment promises

6. Taiwan-based news animation company takes office space on West 46th Street

7. At last minute, Related backs out of Community Board 5 meeting over East New York Walmart

8. Georgia-based tech company Infor takes 43,000 square feet at 641 Sixth Avenue

9. At $4,234 per square foot, Superior Ink apartment is one of priciest non-penthouse sales of year

10. Helen Marshall reviews plan for ambitious spa with rooftop pool in College Point

11. Bensonhurst demographics are changing: Asian buyers replace Italian homeowners

12. Real estate in California and Florida is most sought after for outsiders

13. Tips for first-time small landlords

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