
Occupy protesters target 15 CPW

An Occupy Wall Street encampment outside the Trump International Hotel & Tower (source: West Side Rag)
An Occupy Wall Street encampment outside the Trump International Hotel & Tower (source: West Side Rag)

The Donald just can’t catch a break. First with more than 400,000 signing a petition asking Macy’s to drop his brands for their stores, following continued controversial comments regarding the president’s “country of origin.” And now, some 20 Occupy Wall Street protesters have set up camp outside his Trump International Hotel & Tower on 61st and Broadway, West Side Rag reported.

The protester’s target is Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, who lives across from the Trump building at 15 CPW. The protesters have been camped in front of the building in a publicly available private space, similar to Zuccotti Park, for nearly a month now.

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Yesterday the group posted on their Facebook page: “Half way through Day 27, we have music being played, great discussions taking place, and tons of positive outreach happening! Come join us at 61st and Broadway in Midtown Manhattan, and tune into Occupy Universe on Ustream at 9pm for our nightly stream.”

This particular encampment of Occupy has thus far gone relatively unnoticed, perhaps due to the its current efforts to provide relief to victims of Hurricane Sandy. [WSJ] –Christopher Cameron

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